HI 2 Manual: External URL

Introduction · Menu Bar · Group Browser · Text Editor · External URL · Object Editor ·
Layer Editor · Shortcuts

You can link external websites and resources to HyperImage elements using the URL Editor.

The External URL Editor Window

Opening the URL Editor

Open the Group Browser by selecting “Tools” > “New Group Browser” from the context menu or use the keyboard shortcut Ersatzbild für Command1 CTRL+1. Click the gear icon below the “Contents” area and select “New” > “New External URL” from the context menu or right-click with the mouse inside the area “Contents” and select “New” > “New External URL”. The URL Editor will open in a new window. Enter a URL in the field “URL” to link to an external Website.

To edit an external URL open the URL Editor by double-clicking on an existing URL.


Use this field to enter hyperlinks.


Use this field to optionally display a title for the external website.

Last Accessed

You can use this field to write texts/annotations of any length. You can use either “regular”, “bold”, “italic”, “underline” or “text as link” but you may not combine these options. Please note that there is only one font available.

Mark a Text as a Hyperlink

(Delete) Link Button and Link Field

To link a text from the “Last Accessed” field to other elements please proceed as described in the section “Mark a Text as a Hyperlink” in chapter 3.

Undo Chnages ButtonUndo Changes

With this function you can reset your entries to the last saved state. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

Save Changes ButtonSave Changes

When closing the URL Editor you will be asked to save all changes. You can also save changes at any time by clicking the “Save” button.