Note: HyperImage 3 is currently being developed (Beta Version). The functionality and features of the system might change until the general release. This manual will be updated from time to time to reflect the current feature set and functionality.
Introduction · What’s New · Menu Bar · Group Browser · Text Editor · External URL ·
Object Editor · Layer Editor · Tag Manager · Shortcuts
This section describes the Object Editor and its functions.
The Object Editor supports the creation and management of views associated with a particular object. Views can be images, inscriptions, sounds, or any other type of file, although only images and inscriptions can be edited. JPEG, GIF, PNG and TIFF file formats are supported. Please note that inscriptions must be created within the Editor and that files are loaded from the HyperImage database. The section entitled “Repository Import …” in chapter 2 explains how you can add files to your project.
The Object Editor consist of three panels: “Object Views”, “View Details” and “Object Properties”. The panel “Object Views” gives an overview of the various views associated with an object (e.g. images representing different perspectives on a visual motif, inscriptions, etc.). In the panel “View Details” you can either select a particular view’s preview or its properties, i.e. the view’s metadata. The panel “Object Properties” contains the metadata for the object itself.
Launching the Object Editor
To create and edit a new object, open the Group Browser by selecting the menu “Tools” > “New Group Browser” or by pressing
1 (STRG+1) simultaneously. Click on the gear symbol beneath the section “Content” and select “New” > “New empty object wrapper”. Alternatively, you can open a context menu by right-clicking in the “Content” section and selecting “New” > “New empty object wrapper”. The Object Editor will be launched in a new window.
To edit an existing object, double-click it in the Group Browser to open it in the Object Editor.
“Object Views” Section
Default View
Selecing a default view determines how the object is represented in the Group Browser and in object thumbnails. After selecting a view in the section “Object Contents”, click on the gear symbol and choose the “Default View” option. Alternatively, right-click on the view and select “Default View” in the context menu.
The default view is marked by a black frame around the view in the Object Editor. To remove an object’s default view, select the view and then click “Default View” in the context menu in order to reset the view.
N.B.: If no default view has been set for an object, then the first view in the list is used as a preview for the object.
New Inscription
Right-click in the “Object Contents” section or click on the gear-symbol and select “New Inscription” in the context menu.
Delete a view by selecting the view in the “Object Contents” section, then clicking on the gear-symbol and selecting “Move to Trash” from the context menu. The view will be moved into the trashcan which is accessible via the Group Browser. The “Trashcan” section in chapter 3 has more details.
Sort Views
A view can be selected in the “Object Contents” section and, with the mouse button depressed, dragged to a new position.
Assign a View to Another Object or to a Group
Launch an Object Editor for the target object. Drag and drop the view from the “Object Contents” section of the source object to the “Object Contents” of the target object. Views can also be dragged and dropped into groups. To do this open a Group Browser and drag the view into the desired group.
Please note that a view can only be assigned to one object.
“View Details” Section
The view that is currently selected in “Object Contents” is displayed in the preview.
If a view already contains layers with link targets, then double-clicking on a layer in the preview displays the link target. You can also edit links on existing layers without opening the Layer Editor:
Link Elements with a Layer (Quick Link)
Drag an element (e.g. a view or another object) onto a polygon in a layer to link that layer to the element. Release the mouse button when the black arrow appears. The layer will now be linked with the element.
Open Link Target
Right-click on a polygon in a layer and select the option “Open Link Target”. The link target will open in a new window.
Delete a Link Target
Right-click on a polygon in a layer and select the option “Remove Link” from the context menu.
Open Layer Editor
Right-click on a polygon in a layer and select “Edit Layer” from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the layer-symbol at the bottom left of the “View Details” section.
In this tab you can edit the properties associated with the view.
Select Language
By setting the language property you can specify the language used in metadata entries for views. In the case of an inscription, this specifies the language used in a particular inscription. Information on how to select the languages used in a project can be found in chapter 2 in the section “Project Languages“.
Assign Title (View Only)
Every view can be assigned a title property in the title field of the properties tab.
Picture Credits (View Only)
The field “Picture Credits” allows you to record the credits for a particular view.
Annotation (View Only)
You can use this filed to write annotations of any length. You can use between the styles “regular”, “bold”, “italic”, “underline” or “text as link” but you may not combine these options. Darüber hinaus können Sie Text auch “Hochgestellt” oder “Tiefgestellt” darstellen lassen. Dies kann insbesondere für die visuelle Kennzeichnung von Fußnoten nützlich sein. Please note that there is only one font available.
If you require further formatting options or fonts, you can use the “Insert Foreign Markup, Code or Preformatted Text” function.
Mark Text as Link (Hyperlink)
Please refer to the section entitled “Mark Text as Link (Hyperlink)” in chapter 3.
Launch Layer Editor (View Only)
After selecting a view click on the Layer Editor button at the bottom of the “View Details” section. The editor will launch with the currently selected view. Double-clicking on a view will also launch the Layer Editor.
Edit Inscription
To edit the inscription text select the inscription in the “Object Contents” and subsequently select the Properties tab in the “View Details” section. The text can be edited in the “Content” field.
“Object Properties” Section
Flexible Metadata
The metadata fields in a project can be defined as required for all objects in a project. This means you can add an unlimited amount of metadata fields and sets. Pre-defined metadata sets (standards) may also be imported into the project. For more details, please see the section “Project Templates” in chapter 2.
Base Dataset
Core metadata fields are available by default for all objects.
Notes regarding the object can be recorded here. These notes will not be visible in the HyperImage Reader. Please refer to the section “Annotation” in this chapter for more information.
Metadata that are imported into a project but that have not been assigned to existing metadata fields are stored in this catchall field. You can edit this field as described in the section “Annotation“.
The “Tags” button allows you to label objects as well as inscriptions an views with tags. The current number of tags assigned to a object and respectivly inscription or view is displayed in parentheses. The “Tags” button for inscription or view tags is located at the bottom of the “View Details” section. The “Tags” button for managing tags of the object itself if located at the bottom of the “Object Properties” section. The section “Managing Element Tags” in the chapter “Tag Manager” explains how you can assign tags to elements, as well as other relevant information on managing your project’s tags.
Undo Changes
Click on this buttton, should you wish to discard unsaved changes made to an object. The state of the object at the time of the last save operation will be restored. This action cannot be undone.
Save Changes
Changes made to an object can be stored in the central database by clicking on this button.